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ombuds service in child and youth welfare

Independent, free of charge, confidential

An ombuds service office in child and youth welfare is an independent office that is there to help you and your family with questions and problems relating to child and youth welfare. You can call the office, write an email or meet the staff in person. Counselling is free of charge and confidential. The main task of the ombudsman's office is to support you in conflict situations with an independent or public provider.

Why is this important? The laws and regulations state that you have the right to be heard. Sometimes it is difficult to be understood, and this is where the ombudsman's office comes in. They help you to understand your rights and ensure that you are treated fairly.

How do they do this? They listen to you and answer your questions. Together, they plan what steps might be needed. If it seems sensible and is desired, all parties involved will be asked for their perspective on the conflict. This way, the conflict can be explored from different viewpoints, which makes it possible to find solutions to your challenges together with you.

Your concerns will be treated in strict confidence and no information will be passed on without your consent. All steps will be planned in close cooperation with you, and discussions with other parties involved will only take place after prior consultation with you. The ombudsman's office is not subject to any authority from a youth welfare office or an independent organisation. This means that the staff of the ombudsman's office will not tell the youth welfare office or any other organisation about your discussions or your situation. In addition, the youth welfare office (or another youth welfare organisation) cannot tell the ombudsman's office how to act. So your concerns are in safe hands!


In summary:

  • An ombuds service office is an independent office that is there to help you and your families with questions and problems relating to child and youth welfare.
  • Our services are free of charge and confidential.
  • We support you in understanding your rights and being treated fairly.

You can call us or meet us in person if you have any questions or need help. We are here for you, to help you!


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